Archive for February 5, 2023

Auckland Divorce Lawyer – Coaching And Legal Advice

December 11th Is International Break-Up Day Says An Auckland Divorce Lawyer


There are statistics for everything but one of the less happy ones is that December 11 is the most common day of the year for break-ups. Apparently, it is a time of year when couples think about separating from their spouse or partner according to an Auckland divorce lawyer.


On International Break-up Day, it’s not difficult to see why this day is spread worldwide – with the heightened pressures and stressful atmosphere during the festive season. This is further pressured in the southern hemisphere since Christmas comes is followed by the summer holiday season. For parents, there is the additional pressure of the school holidays too.


Given the volatility of emotions, the desire to avoid beginning the New Year in the same situation, is quite understandable. Then there is the added burden of all the expectations placed on romantic relationships around the holiday season. From the pressure of buying gifts, the pressure to appear to be a happily married pair, and the pressure of playing happy families. It is understandable that many couples start to doubt their marriages at this time of year.


An Auckland divorce lawyer recently spoke about data from Stats NZ revealed that divorce rates are rising in New Zealand and that, in the upcoming year, the number of divorces may surpass the number of weddings.


Break-upDeciding to break-up is a difficult decision. For most, it will have been a long time since they last took that step so have little experience in what to do or what happens next. Seeking neutral, professional assistance from a third-party is beneficial when deciding whether to end a relationship. The overwhelming nature of the impending changes, along with the lack of experience, means that there are frequent mistakes that people make. It is better to be prepared for what must happen next by getting advice prior to having the awkward discussion about ending the relationship.


Auckland Divorce Lawyer

It is essential to get good legal advice as soon as you can, preferably even before you have that difficult conversation with your partner.  This way, you will be armed with solid information rather than relying on ideas from well-meaning friends. There will be inevitable emotional throwback so being armed with facts rather than friendly support, will stand you in good stead.


An Auckland Divorce Coach

Another aspect to consider is coaching though a divorce.  While the legal side is important, just as crucial is your understanding, expectations, and ways forward. A divorce coach can give you the support you need to help you work though this difficult time in your life.


Divorce is a multimillion-dollar industry that profits from difficult, protracted, and psychologically demanding separations. Whatever of the reasons for your separation, divorce doesn’t have to be this way.


Auckland divorce lawyerSeparating the legal challenges from the emotional and day-to-day tasks can be difficult. It is important to discern between these two since they require different approaches. Thus, it helps to look at both the legal and emotional issues separately in order to address each of them more effectively. A divorce coach who is also legally qualified seems like the right answer.


For people considering a break-up from their partner, it can pay dividends to seek coaching before you start the process to prepare you for what lies ahead. If that coach is an Auckland divorce lawyer too, then you will be in fine hands. Reset Coach could be a good place to start.