How To Get Rid Of Tough Carpet Stains
Getting rid of carpet stains is not an easy task. Especially if you do not have the tools and an idea of what needs to be done. That is why most people really on cleaning companies to get their carpet clean. However, there are other ways that you can get rid of tough carpet stains without the help of a cleaning expert. Here are a few ideas from an Auckland carpet cleaner on how you can remove tough stains from your carpet.
An Auckland carpet cleaner gives a few tips below.
Ideas On How To Clean Tough Carpet Stains.
Before you can start the cleaning process, the first thing that you need to do is identify the type of carpets stain you are dealing with. By identifying the type of carpet stain you have, you will be able to decide on which carpet cleaning method is best to use.
Look For The Best Carpet Cleaning Product.
The next thing you need to do is look for a cleaning product that can help get rid of the stains without damaging the carpet. There are hundreds of carpet cleaning products available in the market, but not all of them are safe to use on your carpet. Therefore, you should test any product before applying it on your carpet. You can test any carpet cleaning product by trying to clean a small section of your carpet.


Use Natural Cleaning Solution.
If you are not sure of which carpet cleaning product is best to buy, then you can consider using a natural carpet cleaning solution. However, to create a natural cleaning solution you will need a few things which are baking soda, clean water, lemon juice, and white vinegar. With this natural solution, you can easily get rid of tough carpet stains without having to use too much energy or time.
Avoid Rubbing The Affected Area When Cleaning The Carpet.
Some stains take long to come off while others can easily be removed within a few minutes. As mentioned earlier, it all depends on the type of carpet stain you are dealing with. However, you should avoid rubbing the strained area when cleaning the carpet. That is because rubbing with only cause the stain to spread to other areas.
Besides spreading, rubbing also causes the stain to penetrate deeper into the fibre making it more difficult to remove. Therefore, make sure that you use the required amount of carpet cleaner so that it can easily penetrate the carpet’s fibre and remove the dirt. Moreover, make sure that you use a white piece of clothing to dry the affected area.
Repeat The Cleaning Process If You Do Not Succeed The First Time.
If you do not succeed in removing the tough stain on the first round, then you might want to repeat the cleaning procedure so that you can get the results you want. Moreover, always try to clean carpet stains as soon as possible when the stain is still fresh since it is easy to remove at that particular period.
Getting rid of tough carpet stains is not an easy task especially if you do not know where to start. However, with these ideas, you can easily remove any tough stain that you find on your carpet.
Go Green Carpet Cleaning is an Auckland carpet cleaner. If you cannot remove your carpet stains, click here to find out more about them.