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Wellington SEO service

Why Are Original Articles Such Powerhouses For SEO – Thoughts From A Wellington SEO Service


There are many different means of boosting your rank in search engines in order to help bring even more traffic to a website. When looking at all the different strategies for search engine optimisation (otherwise known as SEO), creating original articles is still at the top of the heap. To help illustrate the point further, here are some of the main reasons original written content is the best way to grow your audience according to a Wellington SEO service:


Wellington SEO serviceFirst of all, articles are strong SEO tools because they’ll give you a natural platform for your central keywords or phrases. You can appeal to your niche without much effort. As long as you know the basic keywords your site is centred around, you should be able to weave them into every single without much trouble. Every article published with these phrases will help search engines associate your page with the corresponding results of anyone searching within that niche. This alone according to Wellington SEO service, GIG Internet Marketing, will help your rank climb quite a bit over time, solidifying more traffic overall.


Next up, you can secure the longevity of your SEO through original articles. Every single one that’s published will be archived and easily linked back to. This will serve to secure your place in the pantheon of the internet, especially if the articles are shared around at a number of locations. Articles will keep new people coming through your virtual doors time and time again.


In keeping with the same theme, useful original written content will also help your rank since it easily lends itself to powerful back links. If you have content that’s actually helpful, informative, or even merely entertaining, other high ranking sites will be more likely to link to it in order to fuel their own web presence. The more reputable sites you have linking to your own, the more search engines will begin to favour you.

Articles are also incredibly affordable in the grand scope of SEO. You can simply generate your own content if you’re talented enough with words to do so, or even hire a ghost writer to tackle the burden if you’d prefer to kick back a bit more. Your content can then be submitted throughout various directories and easily shared throughout your favourite social media platforms. At most, articles are only costly in terms of time, and their benefits more than make up for that in every way.


If you need help in getting your website higher in the search engines, call Wellington SEO service, GIG Internet Marketing on 021 458089.